ASPIRE League – IDEA League Meeting
- Date:
- April 22, 2011
Representatives of the ASPIRE League and the IDEA League, a consortium of leading European science and technology universities, met on the occasion of Tsinghua University’s Centennial Celebration to discuss future collaboration possibilities between the two networks. A meeting was held on April 22, 2011 in Beijing.
Representing the ASPIRE League were: Professor Yong-Taek Im, Chairperson of the ASPIRE League and Associate Vice President of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology; President Su Guaning of Nanyang Technological University; President Tony F Chan of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; and Professor Ichiro Okura, Executive Vice President of Tokyo Institute of Technology.
The IDEA League was represented by its President, Cyrille Van Effenterre of Paris Institute of Technology, Ms. Mariëtta Spiekerman-Middelplaats, Senior Policy Advisor for Internationalisation at Delft University of Technology, and Rector Ernst M. Schmachtenberg, RWTH Aachen University.
Discussion focused on ideas for building future cooperation between the leagues and deepening mutual understanding.
The ASPIRE League and the IDEA League share the aim of enhancing quality in education, research and innovation through multilateral collaboration in the fields of science and technology. Owing to the close relationship between the two leagues, opportunities for world-class education and research exchanges are expected to increase.